In microbiology, in vivo is often used to refer to experimentation done in a whole organism, rather than in live isolated cells, for example, cultured cells derived from biopsies. In this situation, the more specific term is ex vivo. Once cells are disrupted and individual parts are tested or analyzed, this is known as in vitro.


in vivo/ex vivo – in a living organism / not in a living organism, in situ – on site, in natura – in nature, in silico/silicio – in a computer (model), in simulacra/simulacris – in a model, in papyro – on paper. I am now looking for a concise analogous phrase to describe that …

v  tillfört GIP korrelerar med proliferation av adulta neuronala stamceller både in vitro och in vivo. Genknockoutmöss GIPr -/- vs. Vidare har vi direktpåvisat GIPr med monoklonala antikroppar mot GIPr, Western blot samt in situ hybridisering  För att undersöka HAMLETs effekt in vivo på blåscancer gjordes studie på och två av patienterna hade diagnostiserats med cancer in situ.36. med immunhistokemi (IHC) eller en kvot på ≥ 2,0 med in situ diagnos (operable vs. inoperabel), hormonreceptorstatus, DM1 var aneugent eller klastogent i en mikrokärnanalys in vivo av råttbenmärg vid singeldosvid. In situ- hybridiseringsanalys av sagittala hjärnsektioner indikerade Värden är medelvärden ± SEM; n = 5; * p <0, 05 vs.

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In vitro and in vivo activity of Salufem gel against azole-suspectible and resistant human pathogenic  Selected recent in vivo studies on chemical measurements in invertebrates at the Cell Surface During Amperometric Detection: Disk vs Ring Microelectrodes Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Samples Fractured In Situ with a  Increased radioresistance of an in vitro transformed human small cell lung cancer cell line. Lung Cancer 12:183-198, 1995. 74. Hao XY, Castro V,  intraoperative radiotherapy versus whole breast radiotherapy for breast cancer” (17,. 20, 25, 44) 0,8 %, p=0,32) eller i dödlighet i bröstcancer (Intrabeam® 3,9 % vs EBRT 3,0 %, p=0,34). In vivo dosimetry ej enbart in situ.

The term in (-)situ visualization denotes a visualization or graphics that is depicted in place, for instance, a sparkline that is embedded into text. As the dictionaries tell, the adjective or adverb in situ is written as two words. But for concatenated terms in scientific language, oftentimes, in-situ …

in vivo / ex vivo – in a living organism / not in a living organism, in situ – on site, in natura – in nature, in silico/silicio – in a computer (model), The disappearance of Met in the small intestine determined in vivo tended to be higher than in situ (74.45 vs. 43.65+/-1.79%).

Till skillnad från in vivo behöver inte cellen eller vävnaden vara vid liv. En vanlig teknik för att studera lokalisation av ett m-RNA transkript eller ett protein på cellnivå är In situ hybridisering. Kemi. Inom kemiteknik innebär in situ att en reaktant bildas direkt som en produkt av en reaktion mellan andra reaktanter.

In situ vs in vivo

The mammalian auditory system exhibits remarkable sensitiv-ity and frequency selectivity to incoming sound stimuli, prop- This phrase in situ when used in laboratory science such as cell science can mean something intermediate between in vivo and in vitro. For example, examining a cell within a whole organ intact and under perfusion may be in situ investigation. 114 In Vivo/Ex Vivo and In Situ Assays Used in Cancer Research: A Brief Review BEVERLY A. TEICHER Genzyme Corporation, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA ABSTRACT Predicting whether a potential new anticancer agent will have a positive therapeutic index in patients remains a challenge.

In situ vs in vivo

En vanlig teknik för att studera lokalisation av ett m-RNA transkript eller ett protein på cellnivå är In situ hybridisering. Kemi. Inom kemiteknik innebär in situ att en reaktant bildas direkt som en produkt av en reaktion mellan andra reaktanter. 2018-09-17 · On the other hand, the natural occurrence inside the lab is called in vivo. Although in vivo experiments are not carried out in the natural environment, they are performed inside the whole, living organism.
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In situ vs in vivo

Kuraray Både in vitro- och in vivo-studier har antytt att MMP-hämning i hybridlagret med klorhexidin In situ-polymerisationen av adhesivt resin i den av etsning skapade  production in a gas in vitro system vs. in vivo. Proceedings of the 3 rd. Nordic Feed.

Am J Dent. 2004; 17: 27–32. 4.
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In situ vs in vivo

in situ-hybridisering (smFISH) för att mäta in vivo-kinetiken av 5' och 3' slutar) och lösa tidsfördröjningen mellan framträdanden av 5 ' vs.

The main types of in vivo tests are animal studies In vivo testing is often employed over in vitro because it is better suited for observing the overall effects of an experiment on a living subject. While there are many reasons to believe in vivo studies have the potential to offer conclusive insights about the nature of medicine and disease, there is a number of ways that these conclusions can be misleading. Se hela listan på Vascular remodeling: in situ vs. ex vivo. Pohl U. Comment on Physiology (Bethesda). 2009 Oct;24:271-2; author reply 273-5.

English term or phrase: in situ vs. on site Für mein Verständnis bedeutet "in situ" dasselbe wie "on site". Allerdings wird es in meinem Text hier miteinander genannt, was den Eindruck erweckt, es handele sich um zwei verschiedene Dinge.

4. Van Meerbeek B, Van. Landuyt K,  in silico, using computational models based on existing in vitro and in vivo data. Aktivt upptag av l?kemedel till hj?rnan som en v?g att f?rb?ttra Uppbyggnad av instrumentation och kompetens f?r in situ studier med  Behandling med slutna strålkällor vilka placeras i eller i direkt kontakt med tumören. Cancer in situ. Tidig, ej infiltrerande cancer. CNS. Centrala nervsystemet.

Combined in vivo and in vitro studies showed that proximal division of deep in subjective cure rate was found between the two surgical methods (73% vs. av SB Kim · 2016 · Citerat av 1 — mouthwash after further research via in vivo and in vitro experiments. Keywords: 0.5 N sulfuric acid solution (scan rate, 0.2 V s-1) electroplated by passing. 2.55 C cm-2. sociated “in-situ” of sodium hypochlorite. Chem Ing. Sentinel node biopsi vid duktal bröstcancer in situ, Samandar Habib, Bröst, F, Torsdag Human, in vivo kondrogenes med 3D-bioprintad kondrocytfylld hydrogel Hälsoekonomisk utvärdering av laparoskopisk lavage vs.